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London-based New Peak Capital Partners has gone live with Watson Wheatley Financial System’s (WWFS) i-Recs, a reconciliation and data aggregation solution, officials say.
WWFS recently released a Total Equity for Derivatives Reconciliation module for i-Recs, which allows full automated control over all aspects of trade and cash reconciliation on margin accounts. WWFS officials say New Peak was able to implement the system with only 12 days of consulting on WWFS’ part.
“Our Total Equity solution is unique and again sets i-Recs apart from our competitors” says Duncan Wheatley, director at WWFS, in a statement. “This solution is a ‘must-have’ for firms who want to automate a best-in-class reconciliation system that is able to tie out all cash and derivative positions to the penny. We regularly talk to funds who have a hold on their trade and position reconciliation but cannot track the cash flows on margin accounts. Total Equity reconciliation solves this at an affordable level with no up-front license costs.”
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