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Mutual fund service provider Ultimus Fund Solutions reports that it has added SunGard’s InvestOne reconciliation solution to its current usage of the Asset Arena InvestOne investment accounting platform.
The addition will “help enhance middle- and back-office reconciliation support for clients,” Ultimus says in a statement that also notes that it has worked with SunGard for the entire 15 years of Ultimus’s existence as a company.
“After initially adopting SunGard’s InvestOne system in 1999, Ultimus now serves 36 clients, more than 90 mutual funds and over $20 billion in assets on the system. Ultimus has used SunGard’s InvestOne platform to successfully convert more than a dozen clients and billions of dollars in assets from other accounting systems over the years.”
Jericho, N.Y.-based Ultimus says that it has continued to “grow and evolve” with Wayne, Pa.-based SunGard, too, adding, for example, InvestOne’s reconciliation solution, which “uses SunGard’s IntelliMatch technology, automates cash, position and trade reconciliation, as well as price and security master validation for all asset classes and record types.”
The platform provides another layer of back-office support for Ultimus’ clients, helping “a growing number of investment managers with more complex product offerings” meet regulatory and audit compliance requirements, officials say.
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