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Cloud computing, know your customer (KYC), and onboarding systems will be transformed by artificial intelligence (A.I.), and that will lead to an overhaul of operational risk management, says Cenk Ipeker, general manager, global head of client lifecycle management, KYC, and cloud solutions for NICE Actimize.
“It’s almost akin to saying that A.I. is like electricity — it’s everywhere,” Ipeker says during a video chat with FTF News.
“We’re witnessing, really, a major transformation in terms of process efficiency. I liken it to … the first PC being out there,” he says.
“Where we’re heading in terms of operational risk, in terms of process efficiency — it’s really foundational. A.I. is foundational for us in terms of the next level of process efficiency. It’s in every part of our product set. We’ll continue to invest and we’ll always be in the A.I. business,” Ipeker says.
The video interview also covers:
- Why he thinks that NICE Actimize X-Sight Onboarding won the op risk honor;
- Why it’s essential for financial services firms to get the onboarding right the first time;
- The main obstacles for onboarding teams that are under pressure to increase their productivity; and
- The necessity of data orchestration and automated decision logic.
NICE Actimize was voted Best Operational Risk Management Solution for the NICE Actimize X-Sight Onboard offering via the FTF News Technology Innovation Awards for 2024.
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